DevOps at — 2010 to 2018 was applying many DevOps practices and anti-practices for years — even before DevOps movement crystallised. We've been doing Continuous Delivery, and trunk based development, small teams and on-demand deployments multiple times per day.
With custom tooling built more than 8 years ago, our zero-downtime deployments to hundreds of physical servers take less than an hour, enabling us to move and grow our products. 
Happy with the overall structure, we started to notice, that some of the original ideas are not working as organisation scales.In-Depth research, data analysis and lots of interviews with developers revealed the problem — not the tooling, but our development culture.
Today, we are trying to improve our organisation by adopting more DevOps and SRE practices, while preserving the essence of the culture that that served us well for many years.

Pavel Zastavnitskiy,

Pavel joined in 2013 and since then was involved in a number of projects – from localizing website into 42 languages, to building world-class A/B testing software, to creating AI assistant that helps scale its customer service.

Currently, he is working on improving the deployment process for numerous projects.